
  • Pedro Henrique Ferreira da Silva San Tiago Dantas (UNESP/UNICAMP/PUC-SP)


Governance, Terrorism, Financing


Governance understood as the creation of institutional arrangements, formal or otherwise, used to identify problems, facilitate decision-making processes and promote behavior based on norms on a global scale. Within this system, a dynamic related to the fight against financial crimes emerged, which during the 1990s began to incorporate the agendas of interest of the OECD and G7, creating networks around the world to disseminate good practices related to the fight against financial crimes. At the turn of the 2000s, a new theme was definitively incorporated into this international agenda: combating the financing of terrorism. However, what was seen as facing a global problem at the time became a validation tool for countries within indicators created by FATF in partnership with the Wolfsberg Group, in which countries started to adhere to norms with the aim of not be tainted in the international system. Therefore, it can be concluded that since the beginning of the FATF's periodic evaluations in 2005, the governance of combating the financing of terrorism has become only a cloak for the most powerful states represented by the OECD to define who is accepted or not from the point of view of financial investments within the international system.


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Author Biography

Pedro Henrique Ferreira da Silva, San Tiago Dantas (UNESP/UNICAMP/PUC-SP)

Graduado em Relações Internacionais (PUC-SP), com especialização em Geopolítica (Centro Claretiano) parte do programa de Mestrado San Tiago Dantas na área de Instituições e Política Externa.


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How to Cite

Ferreira da Silva, P. H. (2024). WORLD IN NETWORKS AND MARKETS: FATF AS THE REGULATOR OF GOOD PRACTICES IN THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM IN THE 21ST CENTUR. Hoplos Journal of Strategic Studies and International Relations, 8(14), 45-64. Retrieved from


