Popular culture and education, a visitation experience to the Casa do Pontal Museum
popular culture, education, Casa do Pontal Museum, Museal EducationAbstract
Culture acts as an active component allied with the teaching-learning process, which justifies the formation of the critical and participative individual in society. Much more than creating conditions for classroom learning, education needs to establish the debate about learner participation in new cultural experiences. The Casa do Pontal Museum is classified as a popular art museum, being a place of education and culture that positively collaborates with the students' learning process. This article aims to contribute to the reflections on the relationship between culture and education, based on the presentation of experiences from outside the walls. The research was carried out from the visit to the Casa do Pontal Museum by elementary school groups from regular public schools in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The article briefly discusses non-formal education, shows the museum's space, reflects on museum education with the support of art education and describes the situations in which students interact, exchange and experience moments of learning, pleasure and treat.
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