Geopolitics, cultural identity and the Spanish language in the Brazilian context




This paper seeks to reflect on the relationship between geopolitical and identity issues and the Spanish language in the Brazilian context, as well as to showhow the intertwining of these elements can be treated in the Spanish language class from an intercultural perspective aiming, at the same time, to teach the language, foster the knowledge of the history of Iberian America and promote the approximation of the Brazilian student to the universe of neighboring peoples. To this end, we rely on the concept of geopolitics and associate it with power relations to show how they influence the degree of importance attributed to languages. We argue that the approach of these components in the classroom sensitizes the student and makes him understand that the study of a foreign language must transcend ideologies and contribute to bringing cultures together, looking at the world from different perspectives and evolving as a human being.


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Author Biographies

Maria Cláudia de Jesus Machado, UFSCar

Departamento de Letras. Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística.

Rosa Yokota, UFSCar

Departamento de Letras. Doutora em Letras. Língua Espanhola e suas Literaturas


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How to Cite

Machado, M. C. de J., & Yokota, R. (2021). Geopolitics, cultural identity and the Spanish language in the Brazilian context. PragMATIZES - Latin American Journal of Cultural Studies, 11(20), 386-405.


