The Influence of Freire's Popular Education at Association of Residents and Friends of Itinga's Neighborhood in Joinville/SC
Popular Education, Paulo Freire, Politics, Popular cultureAbstract
Considering the current national political situation and the growing conservative neoliberal wave, which alienates and threatens the rights of citizens, this work aimed to explore the theme of popular education from the perspective of Paulo Freire, and sought to make the relationship between this theory and practices carried out in the Association of Residents and Friends of the Itinga’s Neighborhood, Amorabi. Therefore, a bibliographic research and a historical review of the association were carried out, as well as interviews and images were collected to illustrate this trajectory. The importance and relevance of Amorabi's projects for the community was also analyzed. It was concluded that the Association, since its foundation, carries out a political action that is very consistent with what Paulo Freire proposed, and that the activities carried out in and by Amorabi have a direct and indirect influence on Freire.
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