"Lá nas matas tem" ("Something in the woods")
the collective experience of making shared film scenes with masters of Traditional Knowledges at UFMG.
Traditional knowledges, performance, collective creation processes in documentary cinema, Afro-Brazilian religions, history of the transatlantic diasporaAbstract
The article reflects on the process and experience of making the film "Lá nas matas tem" ("Something in the Woods" - "Autor" - Saberes Tradicionais UFMG, 55', 2022), produced in the context of the Transversal Training Program in Traditional Knowledges at UFMG (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil). The article discusses the working methodology derived from the proposition of collective creation of film scenes with masters and mistresses of afro-Brazilian expressions of the Reinado do Rosário and Umbanda. The masters offered a course related to the arts of traditional afro-Brazilian performance and were challenged to create performances specially to be filmed, along with UFMG professors and students, resulting in the mentioned film. The article also develops a reflection on the arts of traditional performance, analyzing the film and offering a reading path that articulates the centrality of music and chants present in the performances with the history of transatlantic diaspora, spirituality, and the presence of nature in the different modes of expression of Afro-Brazilian cultures, mediated by documentary cinema.
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