Formation cycles
universitary extension and the political pedagogical formation aside traditional peoples and communities at the IFRJ Nilopolis experience
IFRJ Nilópolis, universitary extension, traditional peoples and communities, knowlwdge dialoguesAbstract
Since mid-2018, we have been carrying out, within the scope of the institutional extension programs of the IFRJ campus Nilópolis, projects, courses and events that deal with the theme of traditional peoples and communities – indigenous, caiçaras, quilombolas and periphery groups and collectives. Our proposal, inspired by the Meeting of Knowledge, aims to promote the transit between the formal space of the academy and the multiple spaces of knowledge, practices and experiences conceived as culture. Traditional here is taken as a form, and less as a content: it is a doing, living, occupying, producing traditionally by these peoples and communities. As an extension project, we intend to build a bridge between the institution's territory, the Baixada Fluminense, and these forms of non-academic knowledge. Thus, teachers from local schools, professors, students, researchers, social movement activists became the recurring public of the different projects developed during this period, with relevant acceptance and impact. In this article, we will discuss the epistemological principles, themes and experiences developed in these years in our projects.
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