Educing with honey and dendê
: knowledge of the terreiros, children and anti-racist education
: education in candomblé terreiros, childhoods, religious racism, ; racism at school.Abstract
This article is the result of research work for the completion of the Degree in Pedagogy. It aimed at the investigation of the terreiro as a space for education and as a place that produces a narrative of the history of the black people in Brazil, identifying how resistance to slavery and domination in Candomblé occurred in the African diaspora, as well as processes of transmission of knowledge and affirmation of black identity. It is based and justified on the study of structural racism, in its relationship with the school and the curriculum and its implications and consequences on the subjectivity of black people, especially children. It presents the Candomblé terreiro as a space for education, culture, strengthening and affirmation of the identity of black people. The theoretical-methodological references of the research are based on the concepts of crossroads, whirlpool, researcher-cambono, as well as orality and oral reading specially to deal with the interview carried out with Mãe Rosiane Rodrigues de Yemanjá. From the interview and the dialogue established in it, issues such as ancestry, education in the terreiros, childhood, racism, problems faced by candomblé children at school and the relationship between candomblé and life emerge.
Keywords: education in candomblé terreiros; childhoods; religious racism; racism at school.
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