Challenges in Implementing Heritage Education in Student Assistance
an evaluation of the project Cultural Routes at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Cultural management, Cultural production, Ex-post evaluation, Ex-ante evaluation, Data Science AnalyticsAbstract
How do universities contribute to heritage education in a country? They are social institutions that train professionals in the areas of history, conservation, restoration, among others, but in addition to the commitment to the specificities of these varied areas of knowledge, the aim is to focus on the student's integral development. This focus is based on the broad debate on the inclusion of culture and its diversity as one of the objectives of sustainable development (SDG), a challenge that crosses different areas of public policies, as evidenced in target 4.7, which associates inclusive and equitable education for quality of access to cultural goods. In this context, the "Cultural Paths" project arises, carried out by the Dean of Student Policies (PR7) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). This project offers guided visits to cultural spaces for undergraduate and postgraduate students, many of whom are in situations of socioeconomic vulnerability. The focus is on the historical analysis of this project, carried out between 2018 and 2023, coordinated by the multidisciplinary team of the Sports, Culture and Leisure Division (DECULT) PR7/UFRJ. It starts with an ex-ante analysis that considers the context of policies in the field of student assistance, the development of an experimental project in the field of culture, the "Cultural Bus". The ex-post analysis is presented in results and discussions, which enable concrete results and impacts, having as a reference the guidelines of heritage education in Brazil, according to ordinance no. 137, of April 28, 2016. Both forms of evaluation (prior and later) involve an exploratory analysis of qualitative variables recorded in the participants' registration forms, all analyzed using Data Science Analytics techniques. As final considerations, feedback from participants in these actions is highlighted.
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