Uses and abuses of the state of siege in France




France, state of siege, state of exception


The state of siege as a constitutional institute is a French creation to have emerged during the country’s Revolution, with the earliest legislation on the subject dating back to 1791. Initially developed as a military provision, the state of siege underwent gradual modifications allowing for its use against both internal and external enemies. This meant that updates to its norms sparked the emergence of a version said to be ‘political” or ‘fictitious”, which came to substitute a true state of exception, consolidated by legislation in 1849. The harnessing of the military provision for political uses was revealed to be highly convenient for the promotion of repression and persecution, rendering arbitrary practices and conducts viable. By means of French sources produced in legal or political spaces, this article aims to summarize the effects of the appropriation, demonstrating how the institute’s effective utilization in French history involved a thorough abuse of its powers.


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Author Biography

Antonio Gasparetto Júnior, Instituto Federal do Sudeste de Minas Gerais, Juiz de Fora, MG

Pós-doutorando em História pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Doutor (2018), Mestre (2013), Bacharel e Licenciado (2010) em História pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF), com estágio de doutoramento (Chercheur Invité) na École Doctorale d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine da Université Paris-IV-Sorbonne (2015-2016), e Bacharel em Administração Pública pela UFJF. Professor Formador I na Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Professor Substituto no Instituto Federal do Sudeste de Minas Gerais (IF Sudeste MG) e Professor efetivo de Educação Básica (PEB) no estado de Minas Gerais. Pesquisador integrado ao Laboratório de História Política e Social (LAHPS) e do Laboratório de Estudos e Pesquisas da Contemporaneidade (LEPCON). Conquistou o segundo lugar no Premio de Investigación Doctoral en Historia del Derecho en América Latina (Valência/ESP, 2019). Autor de Atmósfera de Plomo (2019), História Constitucional Brasileira: usos e abusos das normas (2017) e Direitos Sociais em Perspectiva (2014). 



How to Cite

Gasparetto Júnior, A. (2020). Uses and abuses of the state of siege in France. Passages: International Review of Political History and Legal Culture, 12(1), 4-17.