Between typography and the guillotine: imagination, subjectivity, and politics in the investigation of a moment in time
politics, communication, health, narratives, subjectivity, imaginationAbstract
Based on the field of Communication and Health, this work seeks to present some of the ways in which rights in Brazil, in particular those associated with access to information and to communication as inseparable from the right to health, are obstructed, compromising the exercise of citizenship. To do so, we employ the esthetic-expressive paradigm in the (re)construction of that which represents a kind of continuum of knowledge production, sustained by the metaphors of typography and the guillotine, impacting on the reconfiguration of the category of truth. With this movement, what guides the centrality of the present reflection is the false opposition between emotion and reason, producing subjective effects which interfere in the relationship between social actors and Brazil’s Unified Healthcare System (SUS). To conclude, we outline the extent to which narrative strategies structure not only the way in which social subjects perceive the world, but also their actions on it.
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