Bibliometric profile of the journal Ius Commune




bibliometrics, Journal Ius Commune, history of law


The aim of this research was to investigate the profile and characteristics of the scientific output published in the Max Planck Institute's journal Ius Commune between 1967 and 2001. Bibliometric techniques were used, with a predominantly quantitative approach. The research universe consisted of all the articles published in all the editions of this journal. The bibliometric indicators measured were a total of 28 editions, 285 articles, 163 authors, 26 female authors, 22 nationalities and nine languages. The author who published the most in the journal was Johannes-Michael Scholz, with 19 articles. The nationality with the highest number of authors in the journal is German. The results show an overview of the topics covered and the authors, nationalities and languages that have contributed to the journal Ius Commune. A discussion of the results of this research concludes the importance of the journal Ius Commune for the diffusion, dissemination and socialization of scientific production on legal topics and for the formation of a legal conceptual framework for European unification.


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Author Biography

Aline Vieira Malanovicz, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil

Desenvolvedora e Analista de Sistemas. Técnica em Eletrônica. Doutora em Administração na Área de Sistemas de Informação. Especialista em Engenharia de Software. Bacharel, Mestra e Docente (2004-2005) em Ciência da Computação. Bacharela em Direito. Advogada. Técnica em Gestão. Analista de Dados de Negócios de Controle de Carteira de Financiamentos, Cobrança e Desenvolvimento de Produtos Financeiros. Gestora de Projetos de revisão de processos, desenvolvimento de produtos financeiros e substituição de sistemas legados COBOL para Controle Financeiro bancário. Mensan. Autora do livro "Entendimento Compartilhado entre Usuários e Desenvolvedores". E do livro de contos "As Aventuras de Nick James". :-) Nerd legal.


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How to Cite

Malanovicz, A. V. (2024). Bibliometric profile of the journal Ius Commune. Passages: International Review of Political History and Legal Culture, 16(1), 30-49.