Sadia qualidade de vida, Internacionalização, Sistema interamericano de direitos humanos, Ressignificação./ Keywords, Healthy quality of life, Internationalization, Inter-American System of Human Rights, Redetermination/ Palabras clave, Calidad de vida...Abstract
The article investigates the function of the constitutional principle of the healthy quality of life through the internationalization of the decisions of the Inter-American Human Rights System. On the thirty-year anniversary of the brazilian constitution, the role played by the principle under analysis remains unclear: would it be a guarantor of human rights or a constitutional objective with a programmatic character? By the inductive method, based on the literature and jurisprudential review, the aim is to analyze the re-signification of the environmental principle based on the phenomenon of internationalization in a global risk society, when it is highlighted the main contributions of the inter-American system in environmental matters to, from the dialogue with such decisions, present the need to change the approach given to the protection of the environmental good and the guarantor of such protection. It is concluded that the principle of healthy quality of life is a guiding element in the connection between environmental law and human rights.
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