Novo constitucionalismo latino-americano, sujeito de direitos, natureza, Rio Doce, ação judicial./ Keywords, new Latin American constitutionalism, subject of rights, nature, Doce River, lawsuit./Palabras clave, nuevo constitucionalismo latinoamericano...Abstract
The new Latin American constitutionalism has opened up ruptures in juridical anthropocentrism, germinating other ways of understanding the human-nature relationship. In Brazil, the first initiative to recognize the rights of nature in court occurred in 2017, with the lawsuit filed by Rio Doce. In this theoretical perspective, we try to understand how the construction of the subject of law notion happened. Then we describe criticism that arose at the time of the disclosure of the judicial action in the media. From the case study we tried to question the framework potential and limitation of nature as a subject of law. Methodologically the research was based on bibliographical review and consultation to secondary materials. As a result, it is pointed out that the complexity of the socioenvironmental crisis is directly related to the modern project and, thus, rethinking the juridical categories becomes essential for the recognition of the limits of the hegemonic development model, which is fundamentally capitalist, individualist and eurocentric.
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