Democracia, Política Urbana, Direito Urbanístico, Estatuto da Cidade, Função social da propriedade./Keywords, Democracy, Urban Policy, Statute of the City, Social Function of property./Palabras clave, Derecho Urbano...Abstract
Abstract: The article addresses the process of legislative and institutional changes experienced by brazilian urban policy after the impeachment of President Dilma Roussef. These changes are analyzed considering the theoretical contributions of Charles Tilly, as well as Leonardo Avritzer and Pierre Rosanvallon, to evaluate the process of undemocratization. Using the hypothetical deductive method, the research (i) points out the fundamental traits of urban policy according to the constitutional order and the statute of the city; (ii) analyzes the decharacterization of Urban Policy through the emptying of institutes and central principles of the social function of property and the Master Plan; (iii) analyzes laws, bills and institutional changes in the management of urban policy in Brazil in order to identify indicators of undemocratization undeway in the country. The conclusions indicate a moment of inflection in brazilian urban policy, uncharacterized in its fundamental traits, as well as dehydrated from machanisms capable of democratizing the conduct of such public policy in Brazil.
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- 2021-03-31 (2)
- 2020-06-25 (1)