
  • Alma Guadalupe Melgarito Rocha


Abstract: The article analyzes Oscar Correas' scientific proposal for an approach to the analysis of disputes over the meaning of the legal: the critique of law as a socioemiology. Focusing on the challenges that the indigenous world poses to the sociology of law, the article will address this theoretical proposal of Oscar Correas from his provocative question: why does law say what it says and nothing else? Thus, we will analyze his vision on the relations and conflicts between normative systems at the level of alternativity, problematizing the level of recognition. We will end up presenting two theoretical models that I consider useful to deepen the analysis of the law's content, from the distinction between the value plan and the value of use and its manifestation in the law's discourse.
Keywords: Legal Criticism; Legal Pluralism; Socio-emiology; Indigenous Peoples; Alternativity.


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2020-11-12 — Updated on 2021-04-01
