
  • Vinicius Garcia de Souza Tristão PPGED/FACED/UFU
  • Lucia de Fatima Valente UFU/PPGED/FACED




This article aims to reflect on the right to education in pandemic times in the city of Uberlândia-MG, passing through the national context regarding the organization of teaching in this period. This is a critical study, of bibliographical and documentary origin, of a qualitative nature. It begins by understanding the right to education and its introductory elements such as: universality, gratuity, runs through the principle of equal conditions of access and permanence, it is a duty of the State to offer it and guarantee its compulsory nature (obligation) through of free education. After understanding the pandemic context and its implications for education as the institution of remote teaching and the use of Digital Communication and Information Technologies (TDIC) to bring teachers and students closer together, access to pedagogical didactic material, virtual classes, among others, it was possible to understand that the pandemic aggravated inequalities, among them, it compromised the right to education (access and permanence in education) of many students in the Brazilian public sphere, including the city of Uberlândia-MG. In addition to research, important authors are the theoretical framework for the right to education: Chauí (2021); Duarte (2007), Horta (1998), Cury (2010); Oliveira (2002), Araújo (2010). Cury (2010) and Monteiro (2003); to contextualize the pandemic and remote teaching Arruda (2020), Vieira e Araújo (2021); Pretto, Bonilla and Sena (2020). The results reflect that the pandemic accentuated the differences between public and private education, children were left out of the strategies adopted for remote teaching, considering that they did not have access to the computer, internet, among other important electronic tools in the period of suspension of the classes in the pandemic.


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