A Proposal for battery teaching in high school classes mediated by project based learning





The present research aims to investigate the potentialities and
difficulties of Project Based Learning (LBP) as the main methodology for the
learning of contents related to the electrochemistry of cells and batteries, for high
school classes, anchored in the Science-Technology-Society (CTS) approach. The
centralizing and interdisciplinary theme chosen as the guiding guide for students’
project development was the environmental issue arising from the inadequate and/or
inefficient disposal of batteries. The work was guided and followed from classroom
lessons and EDMODO virtual environment, resulting in greater dynamism of
theoretical classes, more participation of students, projects elaborated and
implemented by them, as well as a fairer evaluation process. Therefore, the results
indicate that this methodology meets the demands of teachers who seek to gradually
overcome the strictly propaedeutic form of teaching, since it develops contents and skills in an inseparable way.


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Author Biography

Júlia Damazio Bouzon, Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca - CEFET/Rio de Janeiro

Ensino de Química.



How to Cite

Bouzon, J. D., Brandão, J. B., Sasaki, D., & Silva, J. A. da. (2021). A Proposal for battery teaching in high school classes mediated by project based learning. Ensino, Saude E Ambiente, 13(3), 320-337. https://doi.org/10.22409/resa2020.v13i3.a29120


