Spinoza and clinical practices in psychology: some considerations
Spinoza, clinical practices, modes of subjectivation, contemporaryAbstract
This theoretical essay intends to list some questions about the possible Spinoza’s contributions to the understanding of the modes of subjectivation and, consequently, to the clinical practices of Psychology today. Initially, in line with scholars and commentators, the actuality of Spinoza’s work will be placed even nearly four centuries after his death. In explaining the main concepts of the author, it also proposes to draw an introductory panorama, to those interested in a first contact with this work. Due to the innovative and transformative character of his work, it is necessary to explain the set of concepts, since one concept promotes a change in another and so on. In this course, we will highlight the concept of the multitude, which resizes the importance of collective formations of desire, to indicate the ethical and political revolution wrought by its philosophy. With this movement we then come to the heart of his work with the concepts of affection and body, closely related. Finally, we will make a brief reflection on some forms of suffering present in the contemporary, pointing out the particularities of certain aspects of psychology, based on dualisms, to propose intervention strategies guided by Spinozist inspiration.
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