Lines and knots: researching the relationship family-team
intervention-research, schizoanalysis, family, subjectivation processAbstract
This paper presents the partial results of the intervention-research financed by FAPEMIG, that has the goal of problematize the relations in the territory team-family, highlighting the difficulties of the family’s participation in the treatment of children assisted at the Centro Pedagogico Renato de Avelar Azevedo - CPP – in Nova Lima city, as a request of the professional team. In this context, it examines the route followed with the team of family therapy, reflecting about our interventions as an intercessor for the creation of another relationship with these groups. For that it uses a clinical case analyzed in its movements and vectors, pursuing lines sometimes entrenched, sometimes inventive, crossing the plane of forces. Although family therapy is only a way of working with families, we conclude that this process generated enhancement effects on the team, creating another way to connect with these groups.Downloads
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