The notion of radical alterity and its importance for the teacher’s action


  • Vera Lúcia Blum Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso


Lévinas, alterity, desire


This article gives some steps towards the ethics direction of the teaching and learning process with the help of Emanuel Lévinas›thought. The notion of radical alterity makes us think the desire of learning as a kind of desire which depends of what many times we try to supress: the contact through speech with the things that happen as surplus of sense and that, for this reason are strange and inassimilable. The ideals of planning and estimation of the content to be taught favor such suppression. Thus, it is possible to think that these ideals also account for the weakening of the desire to learn.


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Author Biography

Vera Lúcia Blum, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso

Psicóloga, mestre em lógica e Filosofia da Ciência pela UNICAMP e doutora em Psicologia Clínica pela PUC-SP.

Professora adjunta do Departamento de Psicologia do Instituto de Educação da UFMT



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How to Cite

BLUM, V. L. The notion of radical alterity and its importance for the teacher’s action. Fractal: Journal of Psychology, v. 26, n. 1, p. 123-136, 30 Apr. 2014.


