Interactions, practices, policies and methods of management: the benchmark in cultural history of theses and dissertations in INFOC group 2003-2013
Vigotski, scientific publication, researchAbstract
The researcher who intends to investigate children as subjects must consider who they are, how do they participate of theknowledge production process and which meanings do they produce about reality. In this perspective, this paper presents asurvey of Vigotski’s appearance in the academic production of INFOC - Infância, Formação e Cultura, between 2003 and2013. Considering thirty thesis and dissertations, in eight we found Vigotski as a reference to analize interactions and practicesbetween children and between children and adults in kindergartens and pre-schools. One study takes place in a museum and two are about policies for Early Education and teacher´s training. This paper also analizes which of Vigotski’s books and conceptswere taken as theorical sources. This survey focused on how the ideas of Vigotski, as an reference author of INFOC group, ispresent in each of the individuals researches.Downloads
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