The kite as a fé(i)tiche: bypassing of dichotomies
fe(i)tiche, toy, kiteAbstract
We operate with the concept of fé(i)tiche proposed by Latour to understand the power of influence and agglutination of an ancient toy in its relationship with humans that have it as an object of high significance in their biographies. In this article, the word fetish was problematized to assume a composite version which translates, at the same time, a fact and a sorcery, object made and enchanted object, bypassing the dichotomies between what is reality and what is fabrication. In the quest to restore the integration of wholes that were split by modern thought, is chosen to study phenomena as an effect of chains whose mediators are investigated with the same value as operators of effects. Narratives of kite players collected in interviews have been privileged, as well as contributions in the literature, by highlighting the power of the kite as a sacred object that is protagonist of events and mobilizes feelings and actions.Downloads
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