Body, utopia and limit in Foucault’s thought
Foucault, body, limit, utopia, subjectivityAbstract
This paper discusses the relation between body and limit in some texts from Michel Foucault´s work, especially those that appear on the margins of its canonical interpretation. The discussion about body is present in many moments of his work, and becomes an important element, especially in the analysis of the processes of subjectivity that prevailed in his thought at the end of the 1970´s. The notion of limit, in turn, can be understood in different ways in his work. In our approach, we will discuss the specific use of the term “limit-experience” in two texts that appears out of the canon, confronting them with one of the most direct approaches on body that can be found in Foucault’s work: a radio conference called Utopian body, issued in 1966.Downloads
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