Linguistics and production of subjectivity: incipient relationships




linguistics, literature, production of subjectivity


In the present article we seek to investigate two conceptions of language: the formalista and the pragmatic, in a few of its approaches. From this contrast, we will aim to indicate some consequences of these conceptions to the way we understand literature and its link to the production of subjectivity. Thus, in a first moment, we will attempt to explain Saussure´s view of language and it´s consequences to the way we understand the relationship between author and work of art. Next, we will turn to Austin´s pragmatics, seeking to constrast it with the Saussurian theory. Finally, we will see the pragmatics of Deleuze and Guattari, as well as their implications in the way we comprehend the process of literary writing and its effects over the production of subjectivity. In this way, we seek to indicate that the writing process itself is creative, engendering the production of language, the world and the writer’s own subjectivity simultaneously.


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Author Biography

Veronica Gurgel, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Professora auxiliar no Centro Universitário IBMR. Doutora em psicologia pelo PPGP - UFRJ. Doutora pelo PPGP - Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Janeiro, com bolsa CNPq. Mestre pelo PPGP - Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Janeiro, com bolsa CAPES. Graduação e Formação em Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Participa de projetos de pesquisa nas áreas de deficiências, literatura, cognição, produção de subjetividade, e arte. Ministrou as disciplinas de Percepção e Pensamento, Aprendizagem e Memória, Psicologia em Saúde, Práticas de intervenção em Comunidades, Introdução à Psicologia e Trabalho e Subjetividade 


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How to Cite

GURGEL, V. Linguistics and production of subjectivity: incipient relationships. Fractal: Journal of Psychology, v. 34, p. Publicado em 02/06/2022, 2 Jun. 2022.


