Epistemology and psychologist formation: contemporary discussions
psychology, approach, interdisciplinarity, formation, complexity.resumenAbstract
This theoretical essay discusses the psychologist formation from its epistemological field and its contemporary challenges. The theme is problematized from the historical and theoretical constitution of psychology to the complex demands of training and professional performance, considering the graduation and postgraduate guidelines. For this, aspects related to the epistemological constitution of psychology are presented – its history, the association of its theoretical assumptions and the current configuration, whose limits are determined in the spaces of intersection with other areas of Science – as well as those related to professional training. Historical and political aspects, approaches, emphases, areas, interfaces, objects, theories, assumptions, practice, complexity, disciplinarity, paradigms and interdisciplines are elements that cross this discussion. Psychology is characterized as a science of plural epistemology with an integrative curriculum that aims to train a generalist professional. It is expected that the provocations presented will support other researchs on the connections between training and emerging forms of thinking in the sciences.
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