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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submitted text meets all the requirements described in the journal's submission guidelines.
  • Awareness that submissions that do not comply with the guidelines will be returned to the authors.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines (update in August 2022)

Types of Documents Accepted

Language Studies research articles

Originals in the form of unpublished articles of interest for language studies, in Portuguese, English, French, and Spanish. Manuscripts must be written by doctors or by doctors and collaborators. Articles submitted to this section are published in the issue dedicated to Language Studies.

Literary Studies research articles

Originals in the form of unpublished articles of interest for literary studies, in Portuguese, English, French, and Spanish. Manuscripts must be written by doctors or by doctors and collaborators. Articles submitted to this section are published in the issue dedicated to Literary Studies.

Book Reviews of Language Studies

Originals in the form of review articles, preferably for books published in the last two years, dealing with critical issues in Language Studies and Literary Studies, in Portuguese, English, French, and Spanish.

Book Reviews of Literary Studies

Originals in the form of review articles, preferably for books published in the last two years, dealing with critical issues in Language Studies and Literary Studies, in Portuguese, English, French, and Spanish.

General norms

Submission information

Registration in the system and subsequent access through login and password are mandatory for the submission of manuscripts, as well as for monitoring the ongoing editorial process.

Submission conditions

As part of the submission process, authors must verify their article's compliance with all the guidelines listed below. Read the Author Guidelines for information on how to submit your article. Submissions that do not comply with the following guidelines will be returned to the authors.

Gragoatá is a journal of the Postgraduate Programmes in Language Studies and Literature Studies at UFF that accepts free-subject articles on a quarterly basis for the Varia section and for the thematic dossiers in the form of unpublished articles and reviews of books published in the preceding two years which are of interest to language and literature studies.

The journal is published on a continuous flow basis. Articles are published as soon as approved, according to the number of annual articles defined by the editorial board.

The free-subject articles for the Varia section must be submitted as preprint, meaning that the original manuscript (AOM) will be free to open access online, receiving comments and criticisms that can be incorporated into the submitted text until the final evaluation.

For more information about preprints, please visit:

Authors and reviewers are encouraged to allow the dissemination of opinions received for each article.

When filling out the submission form, the author must mark his/her option with regard to his/her adherence to open science practices (OSPs).

The author has the option of remaining anonymous or not when submitting his/her article for peer review, and may, if desired, specify the authorship.

The appointed referee will have the possibility to choose whether or not to adhere to OSPs. If the reviewer chooses not to adhere to OSP, the evaluation will be in a double-blind format. Otherwise, the referee may choose to inform his/her own name as evaluator and establish a debate with the author.

In case of co-authorship, each author must indicate in the submission form their specific participation in the elaboration of the manuscript, according to CrediT taxonomy (

In articles with co-authorship, the indication of the corresponding author is mandatory.

The ORCID registration number ( is mandatory for all authors and co-authors.

The authors are encouraged to make available the copied data analyzed, whether in the form of tables, scripts, facsimiles of documents, methodological descriptions, etc. in open data repositories, and the journal suggests its deposit in the SciELO Data repository, and this information should be indicated in the manuscript. If they may be published in the work itself, they must be presented in the form of “Supplementary Material”.

In all cases, the authors must submit, duly completed and signed, together with the manuscript, the Open Science Compliance Form adopted by the journal Gragoatá. The form is available at:

Author(s) must inform the source of funding for the research, if applicable. Author(s) must also disclose interests that could inappropriately bias their work, if any.

Each author can submit only one text per journal issue. Having had a text published, they will only be able to publish an article again in the journal after the interstice of three issues.

Manuscripts must be written by doctors or by doctors and collaborators.

Manuscripts cannot be submitted to another journal at the same time. In case of withdrawal of submission, editors must be informed immediately.

The journal accepts articles in Portuguese, English, French, Spanish.

Manuscripts must be associated with the metadata filled in at the time of submission and will be recognized by the system. For this reason, it is essential to pay attention to filling in the fields: author/co-author, title/affiliation, emails and short biography (which can be taken from the summary of the Lattes Curriculum).

The work submitted for publication will first be submitted to plagiarism verification in PlagiumTM software and, after, to the analysis of the Editorial Committee, which will verify, in addition to the textual organization, the originality and relevance of the text in relation to the journal’s editorial line and forward it to the Advisory Board and ad hoc reviewers.

The evaluators will also verify the originality of the texts.

The manuscript must be duly reviewed by the author(s) prior to submission. The Editorial Board reserves the right to carry out a new review and forward it to the author(s) to make the suggested adjustments. The final writing of the text is the full responsibility of its author(s).

Manuscripts that present problems of form, style and/or adequacy to the journal's standards will be rejected in a double-blind peer review.

The acceptance of a manuscript does not imply its publication in the number immediately subsequent.

The journal uses a Creative Commons Attribution – 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence. This  licence allows others to remix, adapt, and create from your work for non-commercial purposes, provided they credit you and licence new creations under identical terms.

The published article will be made available on the internet, in the electronic version of the journal at

Submission formatting

For articles, limit between 48,000 characters with space (approximately 20 pages) and 60,000 characters with space (approximately 25 pages), from the title to the references, considering figures and attachments; for reviews, limit of 20,000 characters with space (approximately 8 pages). If the article or the review exceed the number of pages, they will be returned to the author.

Articles must contain: title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese and English (and in the original language, if written in another language); and references at the end of the text.

Reviews must contain: a title of their own, in Portuguese and English (and in the original language, if written in another language); and references at the end of the text, where the complete reference of the reviewed work must be included.

Texts must be formatted as follows:

Text body:

  • A4 page size;
  • 12-point Times New Roman font;
  • 1.5 space between lines;
  • justified paragraphs with an entry of 1.25 cm in the first line from the left margin;
  • top and left margin of 3 cm and bottom and right margin of 2 cm;
  • File format * .doc, * .docx or * .rtf.


  • the original title must be at the beginning of the text, in uppercase, 14-point Times New Roman font, centered, 1.5 spacing;
  • the title translated into English must come one line below the original title, in italics, with a space of 1.5, in uppercase, font Times New Roman, size 12. If the article is written in English, the title translated into Portuguese must come in that place, in the same format;
  • if the original language is not English or Portuguese, the titles in these two languages must be provided. In this case, the title in Portuguese should come on the line immediately below the original title, followed by the title in English, both in italics, with 1.5 space, in uppercase, Times New Roman, size 12.

Abstracts and keywords:

  • Abstracts and keywords must be indicated in Portuguese and English; and, if the text is not written in one of these two languages, it will also be necessary to include the abstract and keywords in the original language;
  • the word abstract in the original language must come two lines below the titles, 1.5 spacing, aligned to the left, font size 12, uppercase and bold, followed by a colon;
  • the abstract text in the original language must start just below the title ABSTRACT in a maximum of 250 (two hundred and fifty) words in a single paragraph, with simple spacing, justified alignment, without indentation of the paragraph and  Times New Roman size 12 font;
  • in the line below the abstract, a minimum of three and a maximum of five key words must be included, preceded by the term Keywords (followed by a colon), Times New Roman font, size 12, separated by point and finalized also by end point;
  • after the abstract and keywords in the original language, the abstract in English (ABSTRACT) and keywords (KEYWORDS) must come in the same format. If the article is written in English, the abstract and keywords in Portuguese must come in that place, in the same format;
  • if the original language is not English or Portuguese, the abstracts and keywords in these two languages must be provided. In this case, the order of presentation must be: original language, Portuguese and English.

Text internal structure

  • illustrations - figures, graphs, charts and tables must have title and indication of their source. When produced by the author himself, it must include “Source: own elaboration”. The source must be positioned below the illustration;
  • footnotes, not very long, must be explanatory and appear as a footnote throughout the text;
  • Latin expressions and other foreign words must be in italics;
  • the section titles must come without indentation, without numbering, in bold and with the first letter in uppercase;
  • in the text, the designation of titles of works must be in italics, capitalized only at the beginning, except in the case of proper names.


Citations must follow the ABNT rules, namely:

Author's name throughout the text:

Author of quotation outside parentheses: use initial capital letter followed by lowercase letters and include year of the work and page number consulted, after the abbreviation “p.”, in parentheses.

Ex .: According to Marcuschi (2008, p. 154), appropriating a textual genre also means appropriating a way of achieving, through linguistic means, certain objectives in specific social situations.

Quotation or citation author in parentheses: use only capital letters, followed by the year of page indication.

Ex .: Mastering a textual genre means mastering a way of achieving, by linguistic means, certain objectives in certain social situations. (MARCUSCHI, 2008, p. 154).

Citations and quotations:

  1. a) Citations:do not use quotation marks, but indicate author, date and page.

Ex .: According to Marcuschi (2008, p. 174), there is a close relationship between textual genres and the supports that convey it.

  1. b) Direct quotation in less than three lines:use double quotation marks, indicating, also, author, date and page. In the case of quotation within the quotation, use single quotes.

Ex .: The notion of textual genre has received great prominence and several treatments in the field of language studies, as it has been recognized that “all verbal manifestation is always done through texts carried out in some genre” (MARCUSCHI, 2008, p. 154).

  1. c) Direct quotation in more than three lines:paragraph with 4 cm indentation, font size 10, without italics and without quotation marks, indicating, at the end, in parentheses, author, date and page.


As for the relationship between textual genres, textual types and discursive domains, it is important to note that:

[...] for the notion of textual type, the identification of linguistic sequences as the guiding principle prevails; and for the notion of textual genre, the criteria of communicative patterns, actions, purpose and socio-historical insertion predominate. In the case of discursive domains, we do not deal with texts, but with historical and social formations that originate the discourses. (MARCUSCHI, 2008, p. 158, emphasis added)

  1. d) Interventions in direct quotation:signal deletions with ellipsis between square brackets.

Ex .: When talking about discursive domains, “we deal with [...] historical and social formations that originate the discourses”. (MARCUSCHI, 2008, p. 158).

Works and authors:

  1. a) Citation of more than one work by the same author published in the same year:add lower case, in alphabetical order, after the date without space in the text and in the references at the end of the text.

Ex .: Studies on orality and its relationship with writing have brought significant contributions to the field of Portuguese language teaching. (MARCUSCHI, 1997a, 1997b).

  1. b) Citation of more than one work by the same author published in different years: separate year from works by comma.

Ex .: Author's name (1991, 1996, 1997, 2008) was also dedicated to the study of reading and textual comprehension processes.

  1. c) Citation of a work with more than one author:separate each author with a semicolon.

Ex .: In the light of variationist studies, it can be said that every speaker masters several registers of his own language, considering the multiple networks of social and cultural interaction in which he participates. (FARACO; ZILLES, 2017, p. 36).

  1. d) Citation of works by different authors:separate each work by semicolon in alphabetical order, plus pages.

Ex .: The idea that each speaker, in the midst of a diversified and heterogeneous society, is characterized by being a kind of polyglot in his language permeates different works. (BECHARA, 2007, p. 4; FARACO; ZILLES, 2017, p. 36).

  1. e) Citation of a work extracted from another work:indicate author and year of citation, put the apudexpression and include author, year and page of the work in which the citation was made.

Ex .: As Beaugrande (1997, p. 10 apud MARCUSCHI, 2008, p. 72) points out, “the text is a communicative event in which linguistic, social and cognitive actions converge”.

  1. e) For other cases, it is recommended to consult directly the text of the ABNT
  2. f) All authors cited throughout the text must be listed in the final references.


5.1 References must come at the end of the text and be in alphabetical order by the author's last name, without indentation in the second line, with justified alignment and separated by simple lines.

5.2 The basic forms of references are presented and exemplified below:

  1. a) Book: specify author (s), indicated by the last name in capital letters, with fullnames; title (in italics) and subtitle (without italics), edition, location, publisher and date of publication.

E.g.: MARCUSCHI, Luiz Antônio, S. Produção textual, análise de gêneros e compreensão. São Paulo: Parábola Editorial, 2008.

  1. b) Book chapter:specify author (s), author and title of the part, followed by the italicized expression In: and the complete reference of the book, in addition to the range of pages in question. If the author of the chapter is the same as the author of the work, replace his name with six underlinedashes, followed by a period. For the indication of organizers or coordinators, for example, one must use (org.) Or (coordin.), In lower case and singular, respectively.

E.g.: MAINGUENEAU, Dominique. Ethos, cenografia, incorporação. In: AMOSSY, Ruth (org.). Imagens de si no discurso: a construção do ethos. São Paulo: Contexto, 2008. p. 69-92.

  1. c) Thesis, dissertation or monograph:include author, title (in italics), subtitle (if any, without italics), year of completion of the work, number of pages, type of work (thesis, dissertation, course completion work, etc.), degree (specialization, doctorate, among others) and course in parentheses, academic unit, institution, place and date of presentation or defense.

E.g.: ARRUDA, Helena M. de S. Costa. O sujeito feminino e suas representações na  construção  do  romance brasileiro. 2015. 143 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras Vernáculas) – Faculdade de Letras, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 2015.

  1. d) Article and / or section in a journal:indicate author (s), title of the article or article, subtitle (if any), title of the journal (in italics), subtitle (if any, without highlight), place of publication, year numbering and / or volume, number and / or edition, tome (if any), initial and final pages and date or period of publication.


E.g. 1: CEPEDA, Jesus. Transmisión hereditaria a través e la mujer en la Grecia clássica. Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie II, Historia Antigua, t. 13, p. 159-186, 2000.

E.g.: RAJAGOPALAN, Kanavillil.  Culture as an experience of identity formation in foreign language learning. Policromias – Revista de Estudos do Discurso, Imagem e Som, Rio de Janeiro, v. 3, n. 2, p. 11-20, jul/dez 2018.

  1. e) Newspaper article:specify author (s), article title, subtitle (if any), newspaper title (highlighted), newspaper subtitle (if any, not highlighted), place of publication, year numbering and / or volume, number (if any), date of publication, section, section or part of the newspaper and the corresponding pagination. If there is no section or part, the pagination of the article or article precedes the date.

E.g.: SALLES, Walter. A língua de Cesária aproxima o Brasil de Cuba e Cabo Verde. Folha de São Paulo, São Paulo, 28 abr. 2001. Folha Ilustrada, Caderno E, p. 10.

  1. f) Work published in an event:indicate author (s), title of the work (not highlighted), italicized In:, name of the event in capital letters, number of the event (if any), year and place (city) where the event was held event, document title (ProceedingsMinutes, etc.), place: publisher, date of publication. Initial and final pages of the referenced part.

E.g. 1: VELLOSO, Carlos Mário da Silva. Reforma do Judiciário. In: ENCONTRO DO MINISTÉRIO PÚBLICO DA UNIÃO, 1, 2000, Brasília. Anais […]. Brasília: ESMPU, 2001. p. 21-27.

E.g. 2: PADILHA, W. Educação popular e atenção à saúde. In: SEMINÁRIO SOBRE A POLÍTICA NACIONAL DE PROMOÇÃO DA SAÚDE, 1, 2006, Brasília. Anais […]. Brasília, DF: Ministério da Saúde, 2009. p. 58-60.

  1. g) Document with exclusive access via electronic means (databases, websites, programs, electronic messages, etc.):include author (s), title of the service or product (highlighted), place, publisher and date of publication and physical description of the electronic medium.

E.g.: HOUAISS, Antônio et alDicionário Houaiss da Língua Portuguesa Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva, 2001.1 CD-ROM.

  1. h) If any of the referenced works is available online, in addition to the reference, the following data must be indicated: electronic address, preceded by the expression Available at: and the date of access to the document (day, abbreviated month and year complete, separated only by space), preceded by the expression Access in, followed by a colon. In these cases, the website address must be hyperlinked.

E.g.: RAJAGOPALAN, Kanavillil.  Culture as an experience of identity formation in foreign language learning. Policromias – Revista de Estudos do Discurso, Imagem e Som, Rio de Janeiro, v. 3, n. 2, p. 11-20, jul/dez 2018. 2018. Available at: Accessed on: 29 Feb. 2020

E.g.: VERISSIMO, Luis Fernando. Doença: perdemos o paraíso da ignorância satisfeita. O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, 31 jan. 2019. Available at: Accessed on: 13 Mar. 2019.

  1. i) If the referenced item has a DOI, the number must be informed at the end of the reference (option 1), or in place of the electronic address (option 2):

Example Option 1 (preferred): CANCEIRO, Nádia. Relações referenciais em frases coordenadas e subordinadas adverbiais. Revista Linguística, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 14, n. 2, p. 139-170, set. 2018. Available at: Accessed on: 07 Apr. 2019. DOI: 10.31513 / linguistics.2018.v14n2a17481.


Example option 2: FONTANILLE, Jacques. Práxis e enunciação: Greimas herdeiro de Saussure. Gragoatá, Niterói, v. 22, n. 44, p. 986-1004, dez. 2017. ISSN 23584114. Available at: Accessed on: 07 Apr. 2019.

  1. j) If there is more than one bibliographic reference of the same author in the References, the second entry of the author must be replaced by a continuous line, equivalent to sixunderline / underscore


Bakhtin, Mikhail. Estética da criação verbal. 6. ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes.

______. Questões de literatura e de estética: a teoria do romance. 4. ed. São Paulo: Hucitec, 1998.

  1. k) In the case of an author with more than one work in the same year, add a lowercase letter, in alphabetical order (a, b, c ...), after the date, without space.


FREUD, Sigmund. O ego e o id. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1997a. 2005.

______. Três ensaios sobre a teoria da sexualidade. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1997b. 120p.

  1. l) For all other cases, we recommend direct consultation of the text of ABNT NBR 6023: 2018 standards.

Reviews of Language Studies books

Accepts reviews of recent books from the area of Language Studies, written originally in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish.

Reviews of Literary Studies books

Accepts reviews of recent books from the area of Literature Studies, written originally in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.