The Egyptian Republic's Security Agenda on the African Continent: From Gamal Nasser to Abdel-Sisi


  • Gabriel Victor Silva Paes Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)



Egypt, Security, Africa


The main objective of this text is to investigate, and elucidate, the main political guidelines and strategies of Egyptian security issues related to the African continent after the establishment of the Republic in 1953. In this sense, it is necessary to emphasize the convergence between security agendas connected to the maintenance of state sovereignty, such as the defense of borders and military deterrence, as well as themes that are intersected with the multidimensional security of the Egyptian population itself. In order to operationalize such propositions, the article will be divided into three topics: Initially, the theoretical and conceptual parameters will be presented; afterwards, will be explained the historical role played by Egypt in Africa after the republican structuring in 1953, focusing on security; ultimately, a investigation of the main contemporary guidelines of Cairo to the continent will be carried out. This paper uses the securitization concept, as well as the five thematic axes of security analysis, both coming from the Copenhagen School. These theorizations intends to demonstrate the main egyptian governmental models  related to the proposed themes


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Author Biography

Gabriel Victor Silva Paes, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Mestrando pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Economia Política Internacional UFRJ; Bacharel em Relações Internacionais pelo Centro Universitário IBMR; Assistente de Pesquisa pelo Laboratório de Simulações e Cenários da Escola de Guerra Naval no subgrupo "Biodefesa e Segurança Alimentar"; Pesquisador Voluntário pelo NUPREM-IBMR com enfoque na MINUSCA.


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How to Cite

Paes, G. V. S. (2020). The Egyptian Republic’s Security Agenda on the African Continent: From Gamal Nasser to Abdel-Sisi. Hoplos Journal of Strategic Studies and International Relations, 4(6), 143-165.


