“The soirées are the sound libraries of the peripheries”: A narrative about literacies and the right to the city
Literacies, Peripheral youth, Right to the cityAbstract
Peripheral cultural productions, in addition to being an option for leisure, production, labor and political-cultural participation for peripheral youths, can be understood as a powerful literacy agency (KLEIMAN, 1995). Based on our experience in a peripheral soirée, Sarau V (Viral), held in the city of Nova Iguaçu, metropolitan region of the state of Rio de Janeiro, idealized and organized by coauthor Janaina Tavares, we weave a narrative by a 'double authorship' in two distinct textual genres (BAKTHIN, 1997), which we call scene-writing and back-writing (GOFFMAN, 1985). Based on the field of literacy studies (STREET, 2001), we argue that the practices of the Sarau V show a multisemiotic and multisensory writing (MILLS, 2016) that denaturalizes hegemonic scalar projections (CARR; LEMPERT, 2016), re-territorializes urban spaces (GUATTARI; ROLNIK, 2010) and claims the right to the city (HARVEY, 2016).
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