Psychological intervention in juvenile lawsuits
psychological intervention, parental alienation, abuse to children and adolescentes, parentingAbstract
The object of study of this essay is the protection of children and adolescents in the face of parental abuse, focusing on the effectiveness of psychological interventions in judicial lawsuits. Law and Psychology have joined forces in an attempt to prove the necessity of multidisciplinarity through demonstrations of early and late psychological interventions with completely different results. A reasonably new problem, since it is through the Divorce Law (BRASIL, Law 6.515/77) and the Federal Constitution of 1988 that the necessity for a new specialization, Family Law, was born. In tandem, Psychology had a consistent rise in recognition in 1972 through the implementation of the Federal Council of Psychology (BRASIL, 1962). With them being considered new sciences, there was a need to investigate whether the lack of scientific recognition of both sciences could be the reason for the damages children and teenagers experienced, lacking support to their needs. The first case experienced from 1981 to 1988 was methodologically compared with the second, from 2018 to 2021. We surveyed data from reliable institutions and brought testimonies from abused children, now adults, transcribed from the following documentaries, both publically available on the internet: "A Morte Inventada (2009)" and "O Amor Que Tu Me Tinhas". From these, it was demonstrated that although we have evolved substantially in terms of legislation, the object of study (children's permanence in harmful environments) does not offer the expected protection, as will be shown. However, our hypothesis demonstrates that qualified and (obligatorily) preemptive psychological intervention can drastically reduce the damage and trauma to children and adolescents.
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