Crises in Democracy and in Government: An Essay on Brazilian Constitutional History in Defense of the Citizens’ Constitution and Emancipated Citizenship
Constitutional History, crises, democracy, systems of government, citizenshipAbstract
The following essay discusses the crises of democracy and systems of government in Brazilian constitutional history over the course of two centuries from the perspective of defending the Citizens’ Constitution and emancipated citizenship. It undertakes a qualitative evaluation of the institutions, from criticism to the democratic deficit due to the lack of popular participation in the processes for developing the constitutions and the party-political processes established by the electoral systems. It analyzes the systems of government, the trajectory of the State from the imperial monarchy to the republic. Brazilian constitutional history undergoes a series of crises in democracy and government systems in the transitions between democratic and autocratic regimes, at the advent of the republic, in movements defending parliamentarism and semi-presidentialism as a substitution for the presidential system. In terms of Brazilians’ political status, there is a gradual universalization of electoral suffrage and a shift from the institutional position of subjects as subjects of the empire to citizens of the republic, with the dynamics of regulated citizenship, statehood, and the search for an emancipated citizenship. The essay closes with an analysis of the Citizens’ Constitution of 1988 and a reflection on the need for militant democracy in defense of its conquests on social rights and public policies, with the overcoming of the limitations derived from coalition presidentialism and the pressures caused by the emergence of authoritarian populism.
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