When the mirror is not Narcissus: The deconstruction of hegemonic masculinities in the narratives of history teachers
masculinities, subjectivation processes, teacher training, learning communities, public historyAbstract
The following article aims to analyze the construction of hegemonic masculinities produced by the narratives of hetero-cis-normative male subjects, graduates of the history course at the Federal University of Alfenas and participants in the Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarship Program (PIBID) from 2015 to 2016. The interviews were undertaken remotely within the context of the pandemic (2020-2022), with the development of the narratives aimed at understanding subjectivation processes in the shaping of teaching identities raised by recollections of PIBID’s teaching interventions in public schools in the city, which is in the south of the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. The methodology used was based on the study of reports of experiences (intervention projects, reports, and field work) and on an oral history linked to a sensitive consideration of the narratives produced.
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