Direito, Constituição, Meio ambiente, Proteção, Medidas provisórias./ Keywords, Law, Constitution, Environmental, Protection, Provisional measure./ Palabras clave, Correcto, Constitución, Medio ambiente, Proteccion, Medidas provisionales.Abstract
The right to the balanced environment received new treatment when the Federal Constitution of 1988 came into being, which raised the environmental law to the category of fundamental human right. The new meaning of the topic necessarily implies a new legal read-ing for effective practical application. Faced with this innovation, it is questioned the appro-priateness of legislatives types in the legal order to treat the matter. Among these types, the provisional measure, a peculiar instrument at the disposal of the Chief Executive Power for normative innovation stands with numerous regulations and precepts that need to be strictly observed. The relationship between provisional measures and environmental protection, spe-cifically regarding the suppression of their protection through the use of this legislative in-strument, demonstrates to be useful to avoid comprehensions in disagreement with the new legal system, subject which was object of discussion in the Federal Supreme Court through the judgment of the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality 4717.
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