The relation between presenteism, burnout syndrome and ethic leadership in scholar’s organizations
presenteism, burnout syndrome, ethical leadershipAbstract
This paper aimed to describe predictors of presenteism in the school context, specifically burnout and leadership. Questionnaires were used as a data collection instrument. Participants were 366 all of them teachers of Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Distrito Federal. They worked in different schools and various regions of Distrito Federal. Linear and interaction relations were tested for hypothesis checking. The obtained results showed that emotional exhaustion and ethical leadership are linearly related to concentration at work. However, they do not relate to the loss of ability to complete the work. In the latter, leadership appears as an important moderating variable. High levels of emotional exhaustion tend to converge negatively on assessments of leadership and presenteism. This study contributes to the understanding of the relationship between well-being and productivity and its moderating variables, as well as highlights that emotional exhaustion at work influence the teacher’s assessment.
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