Coping strategies in adolescents


  • Constanza Beatriz Veloso-Besio Universidad de Tarapacá
  • Washington Caqueo-Arancibia Universidad de Tarapacá
  • Alejandra Caqueo-Urízar Universidad de Tarapacá
  • Zunilda Muñoz-Sánchez Universidad de Tarapacá
  • Francisca Villegas-Abarzúa Universidad de Tarapacá


coping strategies, adolescent, Educational Establishment type


This study aimed to describe and analyze the coping strategies that adolescents have in school. The total sample consisted of 323 adolescents, students (184 men and 139 women) from Eighth to Fourth Year Basic Middle belonging to different Educational Institutions in the city of Arica (Chile): Private (90), Private Subsidized (114) and Municipal (119). All of them received the ASC scale Frydenberg and Lewis (1997). There were significant differences between the types of Educational Establishments, with the individual establishment funded which showed greater variety of coping strategies used. Implications are discussed in light of the results found.


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Author Biographies

Constanza Beatriz Veloso-Besio, Universidad de Tarapacá

Académica Universida de Tarapacá

Washington Caqueo-Arancibia, Universidad de Tarapacá

Académico Universidad de Tarapacá

Alejandra Caqueo-Urízar, Universidad de Tarapacá

Académica Universidad de Tarapacá

Zunilda Muñoz-Sánchez, Universidad de Tarapacá

Psicóloga Universidad de Tarapacá

Francisca Villegas-Abarzúa, Universidad de Tarapacá

Psicóloga Universidad de Tarapacá



How to Cite

VELOSO-BESIO, C. B.; CAQUEO-ARANCIBIA, W.; CAQUEO-URÍZAR, A.; MUÑOZ-SÁNCHEZ, Z.; VILLEGAS-ABARZÚA, F. Coping strategies in adolescents. Fractal: Journal of Psychology, v. 22, n. 1, p. 23-34, 1 May 2010.




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