Particularities between Tutorial Council and children sent by the schools


  • Priscila Valverde Fernandes UFES
  • Elizabeth Maria Andrade Aragão UFES


Tutorial Council, child, family, school


This article aims at the particularities concerning the Tutorial Council and children that were sent by their schools from the city of Cariacica ES to this institution. From this qualitative method, the study with the tutorial counselors was prioritized in an attempt to learn, through their experiences how to describe the assistance given to the children brought to them. The theoretical reference works with authors that share the idea of a story that can be approached in a genealogical perspective, together with Foucault, that allows a vision of a wide variety of knowledge existing in a determined space and social moment. Interviews were made with four counselors. Through the analysis, it comes a relation marked by psychology, competent speech, proximity, familiarization and the formation of a strength field  among the schools and the Tutorial Council, on which most of the times, the child’s behavior is considered unacceptable. 


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Author Biographies

Priscila Valverde Fernandes, UFES

Psicóloga, Mestre em Psicologia Institucional pela Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo.

Elizabeth Maria Andrade Aragão, UFES

Professora do Departamento de Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Institucional.



How to Cite

FERNANDES, P. V.; ARAGÃO, E. M. A. Particularities between Tutorial Council and children sent by the schools. Fractal: Journal of Psychology, v. 23, n. 1, p. 219-232, 30 Apr. 2011.



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