The relations between families and the team of CRAS
social assistance, intervention research, basic social protection, family, social interventionAbstract
This article deals with the families’ perspectives regarding the work done at the Reference Center for Social Assistance (CRAS) of Belo Horizonte, emphasizing the relations established with the team. This discussion is based on the partial results of the research funded by CNPq/FAPEMIG. The research aims to analyze relationships in the territory of a Reference Center of Social Assistance (CRAS) in Belo Horizonte, emphasizing the social work management style between the team and families. This study uses intervention research as methodology and the ideas of Deleuze and Guattari as theoretical framework. From the semi-structured interviews, collective interviews and meetings with team and family, we conclude that the team relationship with the family is still a challenge in the daily life of the CRAS as well as the sustaining of social promotion. These challenges emerge in points like favor, judgment and responsibility of women.Downloads
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