The Discourse Analysis in a research on homosexual conjugalities
Discourse Analysis, conjugalities, homosexualitiesAbstract
The text presents and discusses the use of the Discourse Analysis methodology, in its French bias, in a research on homosexual conjugality. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with four couples, two gays and two lesbians, and the collected material was analyzed through Discourse Analysis. As a result, it was possible to observe that the conjugalities analyzed are constituted by a social temporality, and by actions, acts and performative discourses that, at first discontinuous, sediment the transition between the life of the “I” and the life of “we”. The subjects’ discourses regarding their affective-sexual relations, even though previously crossed by the regulations of gender, sex and desire, express the many and multiple possibilities and specificities of each particular history. In this way, conjugal and self-possibilities are built up.
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