Law 14.164/21 and public policies for preventing gender-based violence in Brazil
Education, gender-based violence, public policiesAbstract
The main aim of the following article is to analyze the current paths taken by gender education in Brazil in the face of offensives mounted by conservative movements, which position themselves against such a debate in school institutions, as well as in light of the urgent need for government coordination to establish new guidelines for preventing such a problem, based on the new Law 14.164/21 which, by determining the inclusion in school curricula of subjects related to the prevention of violence against women, children, and teenagers, broke new ground by creating a systematized network of protection for vulnerable groups, refuting any kind of socio-political ideological argument that prevents the implementation of educational policies designed to overcome gender inequalities in the country. To this end, the article has been divided into two sections, in which the first seeks to identify the history of gender politics in Brazil’s education system, among disputes, resistance, and setbacks, while the second evaluates the need for school design with a gender-based perspective and under feminist educational practices. The research poses the question: Notwithstanding the rise in gender studies in Brazil, what are the key aspects of an educational structure featuring a gender-based perspective? The research here is qualitative, using the hypothetical-deductive method as well as bibliographic and exploratory research techniques.
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