Legal name and gender change for trans people: limits and possibilities of a public policy for guaranteeing fundamental rights
legal name and gender change, transgender people, judiciary power, citizenship, access to justiceAbstract
The following research is linked to the Bryant Garth Research Observatory, created in 2020 at the Rio de Janeiro State School of Magistrates (EMERJ). The Observatory developed a data production model to guide legal public policies, with the first empirical research developed within the scope of one of its centers, the Nucleus of Public Policies and Access to Justice (NUPEPAJ), held in 2021 in the aim of investigating the impact of name and gender change on the lives of trans people. The research was undertaken by means of collecting secondary data – in court cases – and primary data – from interviews with the subjects of these cases, with the categorized and analyzed data then discussed in this work. The results suggest that gender, age group, education, and violence impact the seeking out of this service and also how a name and gender change affects expectations of a life free of violence and with more opportunities for happiness. Based on debates on transfeminism and an expanded perspective on gender, we question the limits and possibilities for a construction of emancipatory practices by the Judicial Power in dialogue with other institutions.
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