Evidentiary value of archaeological evidence: Judicial approach of the Supreme Court of India with special reference to M. Siddiq (Dead) through legal representative vs. Mahant Suresh Das (1 SCC 1)
https://doi.org/10.15175/1984-2503-202113201Mots-clés :
Archaeology, Supreme Court, evidentiary value, temple, mosqueRésumé
Ram Janmbhoomi (birth place of Lord Rama) is the most controversial dispute of the independent India. The dispute was existing in pre-independence era but after independence dispute has changed the direction and condition of Indian political system. There was claim that mosque was built after the demolition of Ram temple. This dispute was so intense that it brought the incident of demolition of mosque in 1992. After demolition suit was filed from both the side: Muslim and Hindu. The decision of apex court on civil suit came after 27 years. The apex court took the cognizance of Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) report to decide the claim of parties. This paper aims to give a brief background of Ramjanmbhoomi dispute; explore evidentiary value of expert opinion; whether archaeology is science or art; to evaluate the evidentiary value of archaeological report prepared by ASI through evacuation in the judgement.
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