Call for Papers
From 2018 on, Revista TrabalhoNecessário started to edit Thematic Issues, organized by research groups associated to the Núcleo de Estudos, Documentos e Dados sobre Trabalho e Educação - Neddate, considering its affinity with the journal's editorial policy: the historical materialism. As a means of conveying and mediating critical thinking about the world of work, human formation and the historical relationship between work and education, Thematic Numbers will be composed of articles by invited authors and articles sent spontaneously. All texts must be unpublished and, respecting the rules of publication of the journal and the deadlines established by this announcement, will be submitted for double-blind evaluation. Besides the texts directly related to the theme and its respective menu, TN will continue receiving - in a continuous flow - reviews, research notes and articles on other themes. Below, the public call notices:
TN 39 - (May to August/2021) - The Reform of High School in the opposite direction of democracy
Organization: Ronaldo Marcos de Lima Araújo ( Gepte/ UFPA) and Mônica Ribeiro da Silva (High School Observatory /UFPR)
EMENSE: The High School Reform, with the edition of MP n. 746/16 and the approval of Law n. 13.415/17, established the guidelines for a regressive process in the democratization of High School. The Reform regulates public and private networks, reaching students differently, depending on the facilities and quality of the schools, the didactic-pedagogical resources of the teachers and the purchasing power of the students who attend one network or another. Initial analyses from a critical perspective point out that the Reform tends to re-edit the past, directing the children of working families to the professional training itinerary, and the higher income classes to the knowledge of mathematical sciences, nature, languages, and the human and social sciences that mark the access to higher education. It will therefore worsen social inequality and compromise democratic institutionality. This issue of the journal will accept articles that result from research that, from a critical and emancipatory perspective, deal with this process of implementation in the states, its principles, processes of reform management, continuities and discontinuities in curriculum design, community participation and perception, as well as its possible impacts.
Deadline for submission: November 16th/2020
TN 38 - (January to April/2021) - Work, Gender and Feminisms
Organization: Tatiana Dahmer Pereira - Teia (UFF) and Maria Cristina Paulo Rodrigues - Neddate e Teia (UFF)
MIND: Historically, gender relations, as well as class and race relations have been the foundations of social life, and as such, they assume educational dimensions in the perspective of the conformation of a certain type of human being, sustained by the male/white/heterosexual pattern. The objective of this issue of TN is to articulate studies that expose critical thoughts to these relations, with emphasis on the issue of work in the social construction of class, sex and race/ethnic relations, for the feminist movements, and, last but not least, contributions and interlocutions with gender and diversity studies. In this sense, n.38 of TN is open to the following questions: (i) states of the art and debates on gender and feminism studies; (ii) social relations of sex, sexual division of labor and inequalities; (iii) diversity and gender studies; (iv) results of researches and investigations for theses and dissertations on these dimensions.
Deadline for submission: September 1, 2020.
TN 29 - (January to April/2018) - GT 09 - Work and Education - 38th Annual Meeting of AnpEd - Democracy at risk: the research and post-graduation in the context of resistance.
Organization: Dr. Célia Vendramini(UFSC) and Prof. Dr. Mariléia Maria da Silva (UDESC).
EMENTS: Works commissioned, texts related to the mini course and the works presented in GT 09 - Work and Education, of the National Association of Research and Post-Graduation in Education, in the occasion of the 38th Annual Meeting of AnpEd, held in October/2017 in São Luiz, Maranhão.
TN 30 - (May-August /2018) - Public policies of professional qualification of the working class
Organization: Prof. Dr. Marcelo Lima - Lagebes/PPGE/UFES
EMENTS: The proposal aims to give way to research and reflections on public policies for workforce qualification. Many programs, plans and projects related to basic education and professional qualification have been the object of governments in Brazil since before the civil-military dictatorship: PIPMOI, PIPMO, PREMEM, PROMED, PROEP, PLANFOR, PNQ, PROJOVEM, PROEJA, PROEMI and PRONATEC, among others. In general, they derive from the initiative of the Union that, attending to certain demands of the "society", establishes lines of action that, through the transfer of public resources to non-state institutions and/or through a direct action of the public networks (federal, state and or municipal) perform certain school attendance. Such policies have a great impact on public education policies, establishing a field of dispute in the struggle for hegemony in the establishment of educational priorities in financial, economic, ideological and pedagogical terms.
Submission of articles: by April 1, 2018
Nº 31 - (September- December/2018) - Work and education in traditional communities
Organization: Ronaldo Lima and Doriedson Rodrigues - GEPTE / UFPA
EMENTS: It is intended for the publication of studies aimed at the analysis of formative processes and the constitution of the working social being, from the relation work and education, but with focus on what men and women have been producing in the interior of traditional communities, such as quilombolas, riverine communities, indigenous people, fisherwomen, collectors, in the context of a class society, and the studies should problematize: how men and women from traditional communities organize their work relations and their formative processes considering the metamorphoses of the world of work and the specificities of their work experiences, organization, formation and identity construction. It therefore encompasses work that addresses the experiences of political, economic, cultural and social organization of traditional communities, which are also considered as human formation processes.
Submission of articles: until August 1, 2018
TN 32 - (January-April/2019) - The IV Intercriticism and the founding categories of historical-dialectic materialism in the 21st century
Organization: Dante Moura (UFRN) and Ramon de Oliveira (UFPe).
EMENTS: Besides the results of researches and studies presented in the IV Intercâtica - Intercâmbio Nacional dos Grupos de Pesquisa em Trabalho e Educação, the thematic issue is destined to the publication of works that contemplate the following questions: Contributions of historical materialism to the analysis of the relations between work, education and society. The working class today: issues of gender, race, ethnicity, generation and sexual diversity. State and against neoliberal reforms. Education and class struggle: offensives of capital and forms of resistance. Current situation and perspectives of research in work and education in Brazil.
Submission of articles: until November 1st, 2018
TN 33 - (May to August / 2019) - Work, social movements and education - Volume I
Organization: Maria Clara Bueno Fischer - Tramse (UFRGS) and Célia Regina Vendramini - TMT(UFSC)
EMENTS: The proposal of the thematic issue aims to give visibility to political-educational practices and strategies of struggles and organized social movements today. In a context of deep attack and privatization of all social rights, turned into merchandise and where the working class is being eroded from within, we intend to gather theoretical and methodological analysis on different movements, social struggles and organizational forms of resistance and confrontation. It contemplates analyses of political-educational and cultural strategies of workers in different time-spaces: rural workers, urban workers, women, quilombolas, Indians, students.
Submission of articles:until April 1st/2019
TN 34 - (September to December / 2019) - Work, social movements and education - V. 2
Organization: Maria Clara Bueno Fischer - Tramse (UFRGS) and Célia Regina Vendramini - TMT(UFSC)
EMENTS: The proposal of the thematic issue aims to give visibility to political-educational practices and strategies of struggles and organized social movements today. In a context of deep attack and privatization of all social rights, turned into merchandise and where the working class is being eroded from within, we intend to gather theoretical and methodological analysis on different movements, social struggles and organizational forms of resistance and confrontation. It contemplates analyses of political-educational and cultural strategies of workers in different time-spaces: rural workers, urban workers, women, quilombolas, Indians, students.
Submission of articles:until April 1st/2019
TN 35 (January to April /2020) - History and historiography in work-education
Organization: Maria Ciavatta - Grupo These (UFF/UERJ/Fiocruz)
EMENTS: In the history and historiography of Work-Education, we try to deepen the study of the production of knowledge within the field of the history of education in its relation to work and its particularities, such as the relations between capital and work, its links with society, professional education, educational policies and their expression in material culture in formative spaces, the use of images and other documentary sources on the preparation for work in school, in companies, in social movements, in health, etc. From a theoretical-methodological point of view, we have history as the social production of existence and history as a research method. We understand history as the real process of men's lives in society, with events, structures and social subjects. History as a method is its representation at the level of thought, its accounts and narratives. Historiography is the critical analysis of written history, the maturing of the scientific field that thinks about its own doing.
Submission of articles: until September 1st/2019
TN 35 (January to April /2020) - History and historiography in work-education
Organization: Maria Ciavatta - Grupo These (UFF/UERJ/Fiocruz)
EMENTS: In the history and historiography of Work-Education, we try to deepen the study of the production of knowledge within the field of the history of education in its relation to work and its particularities, such as the relations between capital and work, its links with society, professional education, educational policies and their expression in material culture in formative spaces, the use of images and other documentary sources on the preparation for work in school, in companies, in social movements, in health, etc. From a theoretical-methodological point of view, we have history as the social production of existence and history as a research method. We understand history as the real process of men's lives in society, with events, structures and social subjects. History as a method is its representation at the level of thought, its accounts and narratives. Historiography is the critical analysis of written history, the maturing of the scientific field that thinks about its own doing.
Submission of articles: until September 1st/2019
TN 36 - (May to August /2020) - Fights in the countryside and the "common" in Latin America
Organization: Ana Maria Motta Ribeiro - Observatório Fundiário Fluminense (UFF) and William Kennedy do Amaral Souza - TECA (IFRO)
EMENTS: At present, the impacts of the high standard of land and environmental concentration, assured by neoliberal policies, have reached disaster proportions, affecting the materiality and immateriality of the reproduction of life of native and traditional peoples of the Latin American continent. They are historically expropriated peoples who access the land and guarantee their territories through struggles against the forms of submission that the agrarian elites want to impose on them. Taking into account the contradictions capital/work/nature in the context of the flexible accumulation of capital, this issue of the Journal intends to reflect on the relationships between human beings and nature mediated by labor, understood as elements of the reproduction of life, which has been revealed in conditions that are not necessarily capitalist, and that emerge as a critical alternative to the hegemonic mode of production of life. In an interdisciplinary perspective, and based on empirical research, TN seeks theoretical-methodological contributions from authors in the field of Work and Education and other fields of knowledge.
Submission of articles: 01 October/2019
TN 37 - (September to December/2020) - Work, culture and educational policies in the Amazon
Organization: Doriedson do Socorro Rodrigues (Gepte/UFPA), Odete da Cruz Mendes (GEPEAGEAT/UFPA) and Arminda Rachel Mourão (UFAM)
EMENTS: It is destined to the publication of studies and researches directed to the analysis of environmental, socio-cultural and educational aspects, besides the forms of work that are constituted in the Amazon, problematizing the regional inequalities existing in Brazil, in the historicity of the processes of expanded reproduction of the capital. It seeks to focus on the multiple dimensions of public education policies for children, youth and adult workers and, in particular, for indigenous, quilombolas, riverine and extractivist people in the region. It will address cultural riches, languages, ways of life, and human/nature relations mediated by experiences of social organization based on collective work. We highlight the odd and plural cosmological knowledge and visions built in the different existential spaces/temps, which can be understood in the ambit of the capital/labour contradictions and the relations between the State, school education, culture and the work of production of material and symbolic life, throughout the history of resistance of these peoples. Work and culture are understood as historical-ethical categories: men and women produce culture, and at the same time, work according to a certain culture.
Deadline for submission: April 1, 2020