Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The author(s), a maximum of three, must submit the text of the article without identifying authorship and without information about the author(s).
- Filling in the OJS Platform of all information regarding all authors. Registration Page: full name, public name of preference (e.g. Prof. Dr. Joana Silva), e-mail, country, link to Lattes in URL, ORCID ID, institutional affiliation (in full and with acronyms) and summary of biography.
- The paper should be uploaded in the Template format available in the submission guidelines.
- From the moment of submission until the text is published, the files must be submitted through the OJS Platform and, exceptionally, sent by the journal's e-mail, at the request of the editors.
- Completion of the Declaration of Originality, which must be sent along with the file during submission. The statement can be found under the "Submissions" tab on the journal's website.
Author Guidelines
Editorial policy and guidelines for manuscript submission
TrabalhoNecessário is an electronic publication of the Center for Studies, Documentation and Information about Work and Education of the Faculty of Education of the Federal Fluminense University (neddate-uff). It’s directed to teachers and researchers, as it is to students of graduation and post-graduation, specially from the areas of social and human sciences.
The Journal seeks to recover in its title one of the central concepts of Marxian thought. A concept that refers to the vital activity of the human species, and also to the extent and substance of value, and, on the other hand, to the realization that political struggle - theoretical and practical - cannot be left aside when at stake is overcoming the society of goods. Anyway, work is always necessary.
The themes to be addressed in the TrabalhoNecessário will be preferably linked to human development and educational practices taking place in institutional settings or the movements and practical struggles occurring in different social spaces.
The editorial line of TrabalhoNecessário is guided by a commitment to “understand and reconstruct, in theory, the various social mediations” comprised in the relationship between the world of work and education, electing historical materialism as theoretical and methodological framework, leading to a historical view of class society. In seeking the multiple determinations or mediations of phenomena, relating part-whole, subject-object or subjectivity-objectivity, past-present, within a historical totality, historical materialism is opposed to idealistic, empiricist, structural-functionalist and poststructuralist references, which also address capitalism in different ways. In this sense, academic production in the perspective of historical materialism is based on the ethical-political assumption that Marxian ontology has praxis as its immediate or mediate goal. That is, the overcoming of classist social relations, today masked by the refining of the logic of late capitalism in its most strong ideological manifestation: neoliberalism.
The corollary of the editorial line of TrabalhoNecessário is justified by the realization that the production of knowledge is always linked to a particular conception of reality in societies divided into antagonistic social classes. It follows that, in the permanent search for the meaning of reality, it is impossible to sum theories as intended by eclecticism. As Gramsci suggests, incorporation of some aspects of the theories in dispute can obviously occur – in a subordinate way.
Finally, TrabalhoNecessário is also open to appreciate texts adopting different methodological-theoretical references, since they show internal coherence in ontological and epistemological terms, and stimulate a fruitful debate on the critical relationship with this editorial line.
From the year of 2018, the journal starts to edit Thematic Numbers, organized by groups of research associated to the Center for Studies, Documentation and Information about Work and Education – Neddate, considering it’s affinity with the editorial line of the journal. As a means of delivery and mediation of the critical thinking in relation to the world of work, to the human formation and the historical relations among work and education, the Thematic Numbers are composed by articles of invited authors and sent articles, spontaneously, all inediteds. Besides the texts directly related to the thematic and it’s respective menu, TN will continue receiving reviews, essays and articles of continuous demand, with other thematics. All the texts must respect the standards of publication of the journal and the deadlines established by the edicts, for further evaluation.
The TrabalhoNecessário Journal receives original articles for publication in Portuguese or Spanish from Brazilian and foreign authors, resulting from research and theoretical studies that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of Work-Education. In addition to articles, reviews and research notes addressing the journal thematic field may also be published.
The publication of articles, essays and reviews subject to two opinions of the Scientific Committee, members of the Editorial Board and/or ad hoc staff. In case of disagreement, a third opinion will be prompted. Specific problems will be assessed and decided by the Editorial Board.
The selection of articles for publication, in conformity with the Evaluation Record, takes as its basic criteria the relevance and pertinence of the article to the journal's editorial line, the consistency and accuracy of the theoretical approach, of the methodology and argumentation, the interlocution with the Marxist production, as well as the correctness and clarity of the construction of the text.
The selection process or estimated time of the submission to the publication of the text will correspond to the period of 6 to 12 months, which might be expanded for major force motive.
The result of the process of submission will take place by Editorial Decision, corresponding to the evaluation by double blind pairs or by the editors, being communicated to the autors by e-mail.
The result of the submission process, according to the evaluation form and to the OJS system, can be: Accepted for publication in the present mold, Accepted for publication with indicated alterations in the opinion, having to be submited to a new evaluation of the reviewers, Not accepted.
. The Works can be submitted in Portuguese or Spanish and, exceptionally, in other language. They can not be submitted or evaluated simultaneously to other journals. Must be original and unprecedented and, preferentially, resulting from research.
. Articles must be at least 30 thousand characters with spaces and not more than 60 thousand, including bibliographical references and notes.
. The essays must contain minimal of 15 thousand, maximum of 30 thousand characters with spaces, including the bibliographic references and notes.
. The reviews must contain minimum of 7 thousand and maximum of 10 thousand characters with spaces. Are intended for the presentation, for the exame and for the judgement of the recent work (not more than 1 year from the last issue of the journal). Must contain technical positioning on the analysis object, followed by an abstract of the content and possible demonstration of it’s importance for the WE (Work and Education) area. The formatting follows the same orientations to the articles,having to contain the complete bibliographic reference of the reviewed work.
. The theses and dissertations will be indicated by the authors, Editorial Council, Cientific Committee and organizers of the thematic number. The expanded abstracts must have minimum of 7 thousand and maximum of 10 thousand characters with spaces, including the bibliographic references and notes.
. For the section Memory and Documents will be invited searchers of the Field of Work and Education and other fields of knowledge. The texts will be evaluated by the editors.
. Manuscripts should be sent exclusively on line and the authors must enroll in the Trabalho Necessário Journal System (OJS). Any other communication can be sent to the e-mail:
. In the Act of the submission , all of the identification data of the authors (maximum of three) will be filled in the apropriate fields of the registration page (complete name, biggest titulation, institution and country in full, with the respective acronyms), institutional filiation (in full and with the acronyms), fields of evaluation or studies, telephone, e-mail for contact with the editors, number of ORCID, link of the Lattes.
. The author(s), maximum of three, must submit the text of the article without identification of authories nor informations about the author(s). The information will be filled out after the result of the evaluation process of the submitted article.
. The text must be according to the ABNT standards (NBR 6023/2018) and pass through specialized review. The submisions that doesn’t fit the Standards will be returned to the authors.
. The editors will realize a pré-evaluation (trial), taking into account the guidelines and standards for publication, before the editor of the responsable section makes the article forwarding to the reviewers.
. The editors reserve themselves the right of to not accept works that doesn’t fit the standards, from any order, presented on the instructions standards to the authors.
. The Scientific Committee, the Editorial Council and the Editors reserve themselves the right of sugestting alterations on the original texts with the purpose of keeping the homogeneity and the quality of the publication, respecting, although, the style and positions of the authors, as to realize little alterations, aiming at manteining the principles of readability and acceptability of the publication. Likewise, reserve themselves the right of canceling the publication of approved articles whose the final revision indicates the necessity of adjusts, in case they are not realized by the authors in the determined time.
. Submission of a manuscript implies automatic transfer of copyright to the Journal TrabalhoNecessário.
. The works must be in the format A4, MS Word, Arial 12, justified, spacing between lines 1,5 cm, without space between paragraphs and with retreat of 1,25 cm in the beginning of each paragraph.
. The margins: left and superior must be 3cm and the inferior and right 2,0 cm.
. The work must contain title, resume and key-words in Portuguese, Spanish and English.
. The title in Portuguese language must be in Arial 12, centralized, in bold, high box, spacing 1,5, up to 120 characters, with space. After the title, to put with simple spacing the name of the author. In case of having 2 or 3 authors, the names must be seperated by simple spacing.
. The abstract in Portuguese language must be in Arial 10.
. The titles and in Spanish and English languages must be in Arial 10, aligned to the left, bold, high box, simple spacing. Must come below the abstract in Portuguese. The respective abstrats and key-words must be in Arial 10, simple spacing.
. The titles of the sections and subsections in Arial 12, bold, high and low Box, aligned to the left margin, with simple spacing between lines and spacing of 1,5 cm between the titles and subsections of the sections and the text. To emphasize, within the text, to use only italic.
. The final version of the approved texts must contain, in footnote, the following informations, in Arial 10, simples espacing, justified: name of the author(s), title (institution and country in full, with the respective initials), institutional filiation (in full and with the initials), áreas of evaluation or studies, e-mail, ORCID and link of the Lattes.
. The footnotes must be explanatory. All the footnotesmust be numbered and come at the bottom of the page, in Arial 10, simple spacing, justified.To the footnotes, long quotes, to indicate the figures and charts’ authorship or authorship information, use Arial 10, simple spacing, justified. To legends and content of illustrations and charts, use Arial 10.
. The citations, throughout the text, must be subordinated to the form: (i) (Author, date) or (Author, date, p.), Exemple: (Marx, 1977) or (Mészaros, 2022, p.95); (ii) authors at the endo f the paragraph and literal citations (AUTHOR, date) and (AUTHOR, date, page). Different titles from the same author, published in the same year, must be differentiated by adding a letter after the date, for exemple: (GRAMSCI, 1995ª), (GRAMSCI, 1995b).
. The literal quotations must be inserted in the paragraph in quotation marks. If in quotation marks in the original text, replace them with single quotes. Literal quotations of more than three lines should be highlighted text (enter before and after), 4 cm left indent, single-spaced, Arial 11. To indicate fragments, use brackets [...]
. References should contain only the authors, texts and documents cited in the work. They are presented at the end of the text, in alphabetical order, according to ABNT updated rules. Examples:
ALGEBAILE, Eveline. Escola pública e pobreza no Brasil. A ampliação para menos. Rio de Janeiro: Lamparina, Faperj, 2009
Book part:
with own authorship:
ROMANO, G. Imagens da juventude na era moderna. In: LEVI, G; SCHMIDT, (Org). História dos jovens. 2 ed. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1996. P. 7-16.
of the same authorship:
SANTOS, F. R. dos. A colonização da terra do Tucujús. In: ____________. História do Amapá. 2 ed. Macapá: Valcan, 1994. cap 3.
FERNANDES, Maria José da Silva. As recentes reformas educacionais paulistas na visão dos professores. Educação em Revista, Belo Horizonte: UFMG, v. 26, n. 3, p. 75-102, dez. 2010.
SÃO PAULO. Lei complementar n. 1.078, de 17 de dezembro de 2008. Institui Bonificação por Resultados (BR), no âmbito da Secretaria da Educação, e dá providências correlatas. Diário Oficial do Estado de São Paulo, Seção I, p. 1, 18 dez. 2008.
Institutional Documents:
BRASIL. Ministério da Saúde. Ministério da Educação. Orientações sobre o Programa Saúde na Escola para a elaboração dos projetos locais. Brasília, DF: Ministério da Saúde, 2008a. Disponível em: < >. Acesso em: 16 abr. 2009.
Theses / dissertations / Monographs:
BARREIRA, Luís. História e historiografia: as escritas recentes da história da educação brasileira (1971-1988). 1995. 220f. Tese (Doutorado em História da Educação) – UNICAMP, Campinas.
Electronic publications:
SAVIANI, Dermeval. Formação de professores: aspectos históricos e teóricos do problema no contexto brasileiro. Revista Brasileira de Educação, Rio de Janeiro: ANPEd; Autores Associados, v. 14, n. 40, jan./abr. 2009. Disponível em: <>Acesso em: 29 set. 2014.
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