Publication of the Journal Trabalho Necessário Vol. 19, n. 38 (January-April 2021)
Wait for the publication of the Journal Trabalho Necessário (TN), v. 19, n.38 (January to April 2021), with the thematic issue Trabalho, Gênero e Feminismos, organized by Profªs. Drªs. Tatiana Dahmer Pereira (Teia/UFF) and Maria Cristina Paulo Rodrigues (Neddate/Teia- UFF). Ements: Historically, gender relations, as well as class and race relations have been the foundations of social life, and as such, they assume educational dimensions in the perspective of the conformation of a certain type of human being, sustained by the male/white/heterosexual pattern. The objective of this issue of TN is to articulate studies that expose critical thoughts to these relations, with emphasis on the issue of work in the social construction of class, sex and race/ethnic relations, for the feminist movements, and, last but not least, contributions and interlocutions with gender and diversity studies. In this sense, n.38 of TN is open to the following questions: (i) states of the art and debates on gender and feminism studies; (ii) social relations of sex, sexual division of labor and inequalities; (iii) diversity and gender studies; (iv) results of researches and investigations for theses and dissertations on these dimensions.