This study analyzes how the relationship between feminist movements and left political parties in Brazil has been expressed during the period of 2008 to 2017, a context of intensification of the world capitalist crisis. From a study case regarding the way this relationship has been developed by three feminist movements with national reach, which are: World March of Women (WMW), Brazilian Women’s Articulation (BWA) and the Movement of Peasant Women (MPW), we pointed out contemporary tendencies presented by feminist movements about their political relations with left parties. The hypothesis was that, in a context of intensification of the world capitalist crisis, the relationship between feminist movements and political parties would be strengthening, in the sense of a greater approximation indicating organicity. Therefore, having in mind the particularities of the national scene, the proposed thesis was that, in Brazil, the current relationship between feminist movements and left political parties indicates a new type of relation based in the understanding from social movements that they are political agents and that they have the same role as the parties in directing the political fight of the working class. The qualitative research was based in: bibliographical survey for the construction of the theoretical reference and historical understanding of the object of study; research documented in WMW, BWA and MPW websites and in-depth interviews with fourteen militants that are a reference to this movements to data collect; analysis of the speech to data comprehension. The results point to a confirmation of the thesis. The studied movements had an approximation with left political parties in the context of the capitalism crisis, establishing a relation of organicity, mainly with Popular Consultation and Workers Party. This relationship is based in the comprehension that social changing can only happen through an anti-systemic fight that articulates the dimensions of gender/sex, race/ethnicity and class. The motto “without feminism there is no socialism” indicates the understanding of these movements that an egalitarian society must be based in the fight for the emancipation of the working class, mas also be aware of the specificities of the women’s emancipation.
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