This thesis aims to analyze the memories of family work in Casas de Farinha about the transformations in the work process and in the lifestyles of rural men and women mediated by capital in two rural communities: Campinhos (Vitória da Conquista-BA) and Peri Peri (Belo Campo-BA). Memory is a social construct, which through the experience of men and women in the countryside is also able to reveal the contradictions and transformations observed in the ways of life and in the work process to the detriment of the insertion of the expanded reproduction of capital in community life. The interviews and conversation circles were research procedures used to revisit the memories of the research subject, men and women from the countryside, men and women workers in flour houses, being careful to attend, for this reason, to ethical aspects who should guide the research with the participation of humans, whose favorable opinion has number 3,461,329 / 2019 issued by the Research Ethics Committee of the State University of Southwest Bahia - UESB. To this end, the analysis begins with the history and memories arising from the approximation of Brazil with cassava and Casas de Flour, understanding, therefore, that the arrival of the Portuguese, which marks the constitution of Brazil in the 16th century, foreshadowed the accumulation and the dismantling of the first base of family work, whether indigenous. With historical materialism as a theoretical and methodological support, it was found that the work carried out in Casas de Farinha, currently, exposes the objectivations and subjectivities of memory and the transformations in the work process carried out inside the farinheiras, reflecting the overlapping of capital in the way to produce, to live when it subtracts the role of the family from the structuring basis in the forms of non-capitalist production. The disarticulation of family work in Casas de Farinha, while reinforcing the insertion of capital and visible changes in the social relations of production, also allows us to affirm that the residual memories of the work process in the farinheiras reflect the unequal condition between men and women, the low education of workers, low wages, excessive working hours, little access to knowledge and the modernization of the productive base. Such elements are considered purposeful in the logic of capital, because the concrete reality unveiled in these terms has been constantly activated and guaranteed by the social division of labor, which separates men and women from the field of their means of production, mobilizes them as a labor force. , making them vulnerable to the most different forms of exploratory work and the use of their territory. The empiry attests that the memories of the work process and its transformations are more acute in Campinhos than in Peri Peri, but it does not rule out that the transformation movement cannot be accelerated by the interests of commercial or industrial capital that are present simultaneously in both territories, and now personified, mark the subordination of work to capital, a synthesis of the stratification of society through the social division of labor.
Keywords: Flour Houses; Memoirs; Work; Lifestyle
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