Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. 15 (2020): The Diagnosis Epidemic and the Medicalization of Education: challenges to teacher training and performance
					View Vol. 7 No. 15 (2020): The Diagnosis Epidemic and the Medicalization of Education: challenges to teacher training and performance

It is with great satisfaction that we present to readers the fifteenth edition of Movimento – Revista de Educação of the Graduate Program in Education and the Faculty of Education of the Fluminense Federal University. This issue includes the dossier entitled The Epidemic of Diagnoses and the Medicalization of Education: challenges to teacher education and performance, in addition to eight manuscripts submitted in continuous flow.

This dossier aims to analyze the epidemic of mental illnesses engendered by the trivialization of the use of medicines. This trivialization has been manifested in diagnoses, medical reports, and prescription of medications for children and adolescents, which implies the deformation of subjectivities and leads to deterioration of the subject's life, either within the family or in the school space. In addition to this aspect, the trivialization of the use of medicines, according to Professor Fernanda Insfran and Professor Jacqueline de Souza Gomes - organizers of the dossier - have justified the absence of pedagogical practices aimed at concrete subjects, often stigmatized in the school space by the use of medicines.

In this sense, the manuscript of Maria Angélica Augusto de Mello Pisetta, entitled Medicalization and university discourse: for a policy of care and listening to the subject in education, which precedes this Presentation, problematizes  the imperatives of medical discourse in education – from school to university – as a device of control and exclusion of the subject – which are manifested in the demands of medicalization of so-called mental and learning disorders, as well as the economic and political conditions that determine this phenomenon.

ISSN 2359-3296

Published: 2020-12-23
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Movimento – education journal receives manuscripts in continuous flow in Portuguese, Spanish, English, French and Italian.