Journal History

The various forms of socialization of scientific knowledge developed by the Neddate/PPGE/FEUFF collective from 1985 to 2002 occurred through the organization of seminars, theoretical and methodological discussions in its meetings, extension projects, publication of books, consultation of the core collection, the Neddate Studies Series and its Newsletter.

The Journal TrabalhoNecessário (TN - ISSN: 1808-799X) starts to be managed in October 2002, by an Operational Commission (CO) composed by Maria Ciavatta, Ronaldo Rosas, Francisco da Silveira Lobo Neto, José Rodrigues and José Luiz Cordeiro Antunes. From then on, the general aspects of its Editorial Line, approved by the permanent members of NEDDATE, are discussed and listed. Its first issue was published in 2003.

Trabalho Necessário is a quarterly publication of the Núcleo de Estudos, Documentação e Dados sobre Trabalho e Educação - NEDDATE, linked to the Graduate Program in Education (Master's and Doctorate) and the Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF. It publishes results of research and studies on the world of work, human formation and historical relations between work and education. It is directed to teachers, researchers and undergraduate and graduate students, especially in the areas of social sciences and humanities.

It is a multidisciplinary journal that is articulated with research groups in Work and Education in Brazil, which become organizers of thematic issues (2018); besides other national and international groups in the areas of Human Sciences and Social Sciences.

TN journal has been constituted in a historical context, generally adverse to Universities and Nuclei of Research in Work-Education (TE). In the various contexts in which TN has been woven, different internal and external clashes and challenges have arisen. Faced with the need to change the editorship of TN Magazine, the importance of reflecting collectively on the paths to follow was emphasized, in order to continue the work developed by previous editors: José Rodrigues, Ronaldo Rosas, Francisco José da Silveira Lobo Neto, Luciana Requião, Maria Inês Bonfim, and the latest publishers, Sonia Rummert and Jaqueline Ventura, who worked so hard for their academic recognition, which resulted in a new classification in Qualis/Capes. In 2018, its publishers are Lia Tiriba, Maria Cristina Paulo Rodrigues and José Luiz Cordeiro Antunes.

From 2018 on, the journal began to edit Thematic Numbers, organized by research groups associated with the Nucleus of Studies, Documentation and Data on Work and Education - Neddate (from CNPq's Directory), considering their affinities with the journal's editorial line. The Thematic Number is composed of articles by invited authors and articles received spontaneously by continuous demand. It also has the sections Articles - Other Thematic, Interview, Memory and Documents, and Theses and Dissertations. It continues to receive Reviews and Essays.

Each group of editors printed the editorial work in a peculiar way, within its objective conditions, respecting the procedures agreed both nationally and in the UFF Journals Editors Forum, without hurting the journal's editorial policy conception.

For the new directions of TN, it was fundamental to talk to some research groups in the Work-Education field. It was from the discussions that the creation of TN in thematic issues (2018) was proposed, considering its affinity with our editorial line: the historical materialism and, at the same time, dialoguing with other theoretical references. Without disregarding the importance of other TE magazines and following the editorial line established in 2002, our intention is to sensitize other TE research groups in Brazil about the importance of our electronic journal as a means of conveying and mediating critical thinking regarding the world of work, human formation and the historical relations between work and education, according to NEDDATE's research lines. In terms of periodicity, between 2003-2007 the journal was edited annually. From 2008 to 2014 its periodicity became biannual, and from 2015 its publication became quadrimestral.