Process of Construction and Elaboration of Educational Videos on Adapted Mindfulness Meditation for the Community as a Strategy to Confront the COVID-19 Pandemic
meditation, mindfulness, integrative practices, health promotion, educational videoAbstract
For two years, we experienced traumatic moments due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and several psycho-emotional symptoms, such as anxiety, stress and depression, intensified during this period, especially due to the social isolation established by the higher authorities for control and disease prevention. However, seeking forms of intervention to help in the decline of these cases was a major challenge for the Unified Health System (SUS), and the Integrative and Complementary Practices in Health (PICS) were an excellent health promotion and education strategy to alleviate these symptoms. Therefore, this article aimed to describe all the operational planning for the elaboration of educational videos on the adapted mindfulness meditation as an educational practice to improve the quality of life and health of community leaders (CL), partners of the Plataforma project of Knowledge (PPS), and their peers, during the period of the new coronavirus pandemic.
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