


High school education in Brazil is historically characterized by a structural duality marked by a different education depending on one’s social class. In the context of an organic crisis of capitalism, the ruling class seeks to rebuild its bases for capital accumulation through productive restructuration and the renewal of class conflict mediation mechanisms, to maintain the objective and subjective conditions of capital sociometabolism. From a structural point of view, in the unfolding of this bourgeois recomposition, a strong process of deindustrialization, structural unemployment and intensification of precarious work can be noticed. From the superstructural point of view, there is a redefinition of the relationship between the State and Society, its role, and its management models, thus propagating a new model of public management that enhances the Minimum State ideology. In this context, the High School (in Brazil) is being reformed to meet the demands for a new type of worker, one that is more appropriate to meet productivity and competitiveness demands from companies as well as ethical and moral demands from a mode of social regulation led by the mercantile logic. Such reforms aim at changing not only the management of school systems and units, but also (the management of) the curriculum, with structural references based on the ideology of sustainability, entrepreneurship, and employability. In view of this context, we have analyzed the curricular changes promoted by the public-private partnership between the Ayrton Senna Institute and the Rio de Janeiro State Education Secretariat, where the private ideology was institutionalized by the deliberation No. 344 of 2014, published by the Rio de Janeiro State Education Council, as a type of “laboratory” for the Reform of High School Education that subsequently occurred at the federal level. The empirical reference for the analysis presented herein was the proposal for “full time High School with emphasis on entrepreneurship applied to the work-oriented world” (Portuguese: “Ensino Médio em tempo integral, com ênfase em empreendedorismo aplicado ao mundo do trabalho”), implemented based on the Resolution SEEduc/RJ No. 5.508/2017. Our goal is to explain the relationship between the concept of High school education adopted in the “Educational Solution” partnership, established between Instituto Ayrton Senna and SEEduc/RJ, and the Secondary Education Reform established by Law No. 13.415/2017. This work consisted in a basic, qualitative research of explanatory character falling in the survey category. The data collection was based on semi-structured interviews applied to school administrators, although primary and secondary reference sources were also used (legislation, government documents, pedagogical projects, etc.). The analysis allowed us to realize that the new capitalist political pedagogy, based on the competence pedagogy and the idea of the third way, starts from proposals disseminated by international organizations such as UNESCO, OECD, ECLAC and IDB, to build the concept of the “New High School” encompassed not only in the partnership established between Instituto Ayrton Senna and SEEduc/RJ, but also in the partnership of the latter with SEBRAE. These results led to the conclusion that the High School Reform being implemented in Brazil has the experience of the State of Rio de Janeiro as a laboratory, and that, despite the official narrative, such reform supports the maintenance of social inequality and capital sociometabolic conditions by capturing the subjectivity of the worker and leading into conformation in the psychophysical aspect or in the eth7ical and moral aspect.


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