Vol. 7 No. 14 (2020): 55 years of Graduate Studies in Brazil
This year 2020 marks 55 years of Post-Graduate Programs, counted from Opinion Legal Sucupira (Opinion CFE nº 977/65). Over the years, the university in general and the Post-Graduate Program have undergone significant changes with regard to their autonomy, forms of funding, duration of courses and training of qualified personnel. At the same time, the conversion of research into a systematic activity, with the purpose of respondingto the process of internationalization of the economy/labor/technology, propitiated the development and solidification of the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation. It also called for the organization of an articulated education system, composed of universities, schools, colleges and isolated institutes, institutes linked to universities and institutions of scientific and technological professional training of higher education. In this sense, all areas of knowledge, Exact and Earth Sciences, Engineering, Health Sciences, Agrarian Sciences, Human Sciences, Applied Social Sciences, Linguistics, Letters and Arts, have been giving answers to this process of modification that has occurred since then, being education transversal to all of them.
In this context, we present to readers the fourteenth edition, a Special Edition, of the Movement – Education Journal of the Post-Graduate Program in Education and the Faculty of Education of the Fluminense Federal University.